Grid Gasketing Pictures
This is a customer with a CNT Motion Systems router. The channel is 1” wide, so we insert a 1” wide gasket. And with a channel that measured .25” deep, we decided upon a gasket that was .312” tall. The table had multiple zones, so we gasketed for each one.
This customer has an Industrial CNC table.The 4’ x 8’ table has a series of 2’ x 2’ zones.Total footage of Grid Gasket needed was 64 feet, 8 feet for each zone.Customer requested a ½” tall gasket (our part UMG 38 500) but turned out to be too tall.When gasket is too tall, it has a tougher time compressing into the channel.Proper gasket size ius essential to produce maximum vacuum performance.
We visited with a cabinet shop customer who was running an SCM Morbidelli 5x10 table. He had never changed his Grid Gasket since he received his router 6 years ago. The original, round cord that we removed from the grid table is on the left. The fresh, square gasket that replaced we replaced it with is on the right. We ended up using All Star’s UMG 25 312 for the ¼” x ¼” channel. After the change, the machine saw an immediate improvement in vacuum effectiveness and the size of the parts they were able to hold. All Star recommends changing your Grid Gasket every time you change your spoilboard.
We visited a company heavily involved in the production of pre-fab home construction components but were having trouble with part hold. The customer was utilizing a CNT MotionSystems router. Any table that has multiple zones like this table requires each of these zones to be gasketed for in each of the outer-most channels. Without a proper seal under the spoilboard, a great deal of vacuum pressure can escape. This customer ended up with the UMG 25.1000, our ¼” thick and 1”wide for the large channel requirement.
Always nice to see some of our GridGasket products being trusted by some of the best in the industry. This photo was taken at the IWF show on a Thermwood table. When running a demo on their machines, vacuum performance cannot fail. That is why they trust AllStar’s UXR 25 281 in the outermost channels of their table. The square, blue material is cut to .25” x .281” and acts as a fantastic seal for this machine.
All Star is a firm believer that a square gasket is a better option than a round cord. Benefits include…
- A Better fit in a square channel
- A wider, more consistent seal on the spoilboard
- No “air gaps” under the gasket as you get with round cord
- Lasts longer