
An Essential Starting Point For Any Vacuum Table is The Gasket Between Your Grid Table and MDF Spoilboard. “The Lip of The Freezer Door” to Focus Your Vacuum Through The Top of Your MDF Spoilboard
The very first thing that is needed for CNC Router Vacuum success? Grid Gasket for the table itself. Get that air-tight seal and prevent leak from that gap that exists between the table and the spoilboard/fixture board.
What product produces the best vacuum performance for your table? Depends on the size of your table’s channels. Square channels need square gasket. And the proper size is crucial. Too short and there will not be a seal, causing vacuum leak. Too tall above the channel and the gasket will not be able to “zero out” on the z-depth, causing vacuum leak.
All Star custom cuts gasket to fit any table’s channel dimensions. In order to MAX YOUR VAC, start at the “foundation of the house” with proper Grid Gasket. Our customers have been getting more parts in less time for 20+ years because we help them reduce vacuum related challenges.
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